VXIbus Consortium
The VXIbus Consortium is a standard setting organization with a global membership of leading Test & Measurement companies. Our goal is to develop, support, and promote the VXIbus architecture, the most popular open standard platform for data acquisition and ATE systems in the world today.
The VXIbus Consortium is a not-for-profit corporation made up of the leading companies in the Test & Measurement Industry. Our goals are to develop, support, and promote the VXIbus architecture, the most popular open standard platform for data acquisition and ATE systems in the world today.
VXI Advantages
The VXIbus provides a time-tested bus you can trust to support your automated test and measurement needs. You can trust the VXIbus because it is well conceived, established, and time tested. More importantly, the VXIbus continues to thrive and is ideal for both current and future application requirements.
The VXIbus was well conceived by leading test and measurement companies to solve the most demanding test applications.
The VXIbus is established. The VXIbus Consortium was formed in 1987 with a charter of defining a multivendor instrument-on-a-card standard. Since that time, the Consortium has defined system-level components required for hardware interoperatibility. The IEEE officially adopted the VXI specification, IEEE 1155, in March 1993.
The VXIbus is time tested, providing systems designers with security in the knowledge that their test platform will out live the device being tested.
The VXIbus is thriving and has proven that it has the flexibility to evolve with the development of new technologies.
Membership Advantages
While there is no requirement for a VXI module manufacturer to become a member of the VXIbus Consortium (unless they are building products using the VXI 4.0 specifications), there are many advantages, and the cost is very reasonable. As a member, your company will be listed on the VXIbus Consortium web site as supporting the architecture. Further, your company will be able to list your VXI product categories with a link to your web site. You can put articles or ads in the VXIbus Newsletter, which goes out to the entire Evaluation Engineering mailing list of ~32,000 subscribers. Finally, you will be able to participate in all Technical and Marketing meetings. Most of these are held by phone conference. This will allow you to keep abreast of any technical advancement, and will allow you to take advantage of any joint marketing programs supported by the VXIbus Consortium.
The VXIbus Consortium is a standard setting organization made up of the leading companies in the Test & Measurement Industry. Our goals are to develop, support, and promote the VXIbus architecture, one of the most popular modular platforms for data acquisition and ATE systems in the world today.